A Spring Day in the West Village: Books, Blooms, and Afternoon Delight in My Birthday Suit

Dear Suitors, It was a perfect spring day in Manhattan's vibrant West Village, an area renowned for its colorful streets and artistic vibe. The day unfolded leisurely, filled with the simple pleasures of browsing books and enjoying the company of a delightful Suitor. As we meandered through quaint bookshops, I stumbled upon a fascinating find—a book on film with a foreword by Martin Scorsese. It was a serendipitous moment, especially with the Tribeca Festival just around the corner next month. The anticipation of the festival had been growing in me, and finding this book felt like a nod from the universe.

Later, as we continued our exploration of the West Village, we passed by a charming floral stand bursting with the season's best. On a whimsical impulse, my Suitor picked out a bouquet of peonies—those lush, fleeting blooms that grace the city only for a short while each spring. It was a gesture that spoke volumes of his attentiveness and the spontaneous joy of our day together.

Our stroll took us to a vintage building, an architectural gem with old oak fixtures and warm, inviting lighting. The setting was so enchanting that it felt like stepping into a different era, perfect for capturing moments that felt timeless. My Suitor, ever thoughtful, snapped some intimate Polaroid photos of me against this backdrop with vintage character. These images, with their soft, nostalgic glow, would be treasured keepsakes of a beautifully spent day.

Bringing the peonies back to the hotel marked the beginning of a mini staycation right in the heart of The Village. I took these blooms and used them to adorn the bathroom, turning a simple space into a sanctuary with the fresh, sweet scent of spring. The flowers not only beautified the room but also infused it with a sense of calm and renewal.

As the afternoon eased into evening, I indulged in a warm bath, the kind that soothes the soul and softens the skin. Afterward, I pampered myself with a luscious emollient lather of lotion, my skin absorbing the rich, hydrating treatment. The day's end found me lounging in bed in my birthday suit, the luxurious fabric of the sheets complementing the smoothness of my skin, with my new book in hand—a perfect blend of relaxation and intellectual stimulation.

Reflecting on the day, I realized how these casual strolls and relaxed outings offer a delightful contrast to the more formal and elaborate events that often fill my calendar. There's something profoundly satisfying about a day spent in good company, exploring, and embracing the simpler pleasures of life.

My dear Suitors, days like these are precious.. Whether you're planning your next grand event or thinking of a more low-key day, consider an invitation my way. I revel in the art of creating memorable experiences. Whether they're dressed down days in the city, vacations for us to share skiing in powdered mountaintops or exploring remote beaches, hiking in the the fragrant wildflowers, to dancing in the bright lights, relaxing in the soft seats,and glamorous nights out on the town, we’ll always remember these special moments shared.

And who knows, perhaps one of you might consider turning the upcoming Tribeca Festival into a splendid birthday gift? A day of film, art, and companionship would indeed be a delightful way to celebrate another year of adventures and new memories .

To my future Suitor, whether you wish to plan a day filled with casual exploration or an evening of elegance, know that with me by your side, it will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Let us fill the pages of our life’s story with both the grand and the understated, the timeless and the ephemeral. After all, every good story deserves a little bit of both.

xx Olivia



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An Operatic Odyssey: My First Encounter with Madama Butterfly

Dear Suitors, Last Saturday unfolded as an evening filled with the grandeur of operatic arts at the prestigious Metropolitan Opera House. Accompanied by a dear friend, our cultural journey commenced with a delightful Italian feast at The Leopard at des Artistes, an esteemed venue embraced by the Upper West Side's elite. As we indulged in exquisitely crafted dishes, the anticipation for the evening's spectacle grew palpably amongst the clinking of fine china and murmured conversations of well-dressed patrons.

The main event of the night was none other than a performance of Puccini’s *Madama Butterfly*—an opera that has profoundly moved audiences worldwide since its premiere in Milan in 1906. Esteemed for its poignant narrative woven with exquisite musical compositions, it ranks as the sixth most performed opera globally, standing as a testament to its timeless appeal and emotional depth.

Seated in the grand tier, our vantage point was impeccable, allowing us an intimate experience of both the auditory and visual splendors of the performance. The acoustics of the Metropolitan Opera House enveloped us in a rich tapestry of sounds, making my first foray into the world of opera nothing short of magical.

*Madama Butterfly* offers a heart-wrenching tale of love and loss—a tragic romance between a war-torn husband and wife, separated by years and vast misunderstandings. The opera masterfully encapsulates the profound emotions and tribulations that define the human condition. Throughout the performance, the intensity of the unfolding drama stirred a deep emotional response within me, leaving me misty-eyed as the fate of the characters unfolded on stage, a poignant reminder of the complexities of love and sacrifice.

The stage itself was a spectacle of color and movement, adorned with traditional Japanese kimonos and intricately designed sets that transported the audience across the world and through time. The meticulous attention to costume design added layers of authenticity and splendor to the evening, enhancing the emotional weight of each scene.

Reflecting on this evening at the opera, I am left with a renewed appreciation for the power of this art form to convey complex emotions and to narrate universal truths. The experience transcended mere entertainment; it was a profound emotional journey that resonated deeply with my own experiences and the shared narratives of humanity.

As the final curtain fell and the applause cascaded through the grand opera house, the impact of the night’s performance lingered in the air. *Madama Butterfly*, with its blend of historical richness and contemporary relevance, served as a poignant reminder of the arts' capability to stir the soul and provoke deep contemplation.

In a city that pulses with unyielding energy, nights like these serve as vivid reminders of the cultural richness that flows through New York’s veins, offering experiences that are not only profoundly moving but also deeply enriching. As I continue my cultural explorations, my curiosity for the arts remains unbound, always open to new experiences that enrich the spirit.

To my potential next companion, I extend an invitation to join me in these exquisite ventures. Whether at an opera, a gallery opening, or any other enclave of cultural expression, the promise of shared experiences awaits. If your spirit is as adventurous as mine, I eagerly anticipate crafting unforgettable memories together.

Xx, Olivia



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Between Fabric and Skin: Celebrating the Art of Dress and Undress

My dear Suitors,

Fashion has always been a playground for my personality, a canvas to express the myriad facets of who I am. Each outfit I choose tells a story, a narrative of my mood, my intentions, or simply my aesthetic whims of the day. The act of dressing up is an exhilarating performance of sorts, one that allows me to connect with my suitors and the world in a visually expressive way. Yet, there is another side to this sartorial spectacle—the liberating act of undressing, of returning to my most natural state.

Dressing up is an adventure. Each piece of clothing, from the silkiest blouse to the most intricately tailored gown, is a character in a play where I am both the director and the lead actress. The rustle of fabric, the clasp of a necklace, the slide of a zipper—it all builds up to a crescendo of a fully-formed persona for an evening out on the town. With every choice, I weave an element of surprise and delight, ensuring that each appearance I make is more than just an entrance; it's a statement.

But there is an intimate joy in the act of letting go, of stripping away the layers both literal and metaphorical. After a night encased in the beautiful armor of my chosen attire, there is a profound sense of release in gently peeling away each layer. The transition from the structured to the unbound is almost ritualistic. As each garment falls to the floor, there's a growing sense of freedom, a liberation from the delightful but definite confines of my external ensemble.

The pleasure of undressing is as much a personal celebration as it is a performance for those privileged to see it. In my private space, the act of shedding my clothes is a dance, slow and deliberate. There is an undeniable thrill in returning to my 'birthday suit,' feeling the air on my skin, unrestrained and pure. This is where I can truly let my hair down, slip out of the high heels that elevate me above the ground and into a reality where I am grounded, raw, and real.

To my esteemed suitors and cherished readers, I offer this glimpse into both worlds. When you see me adorned in the latest fashions, know that each outfit is chosen with intention, designed to dazzle and intrigue. But also remember, there is a flip side to this coin—a side that revels in simplicity and the inherent beauty of the human form. Behind closed doors, when the last piece of fabric has been cast aside, lies a realm of comfort and authenticity that is just as enchanting as any gown I might don.

Thus, my relationship with clothing is cyclical, a continuous ebb and flow of dressing up and dressing down. Each phase is essential, each end of the spectrum equally celebrated. Whether cloaked in haute couture or basking in the bareness of simplicity, I am whole. I am myself.

This narrative isn't just about clothing or the lack thereof—it's about the freedom to choose how we present ourselves and the joy that comes from both the wearing and the removal. It's about the power inherent in revealing our true selves, whether through the fabrics we drape over our skin or the skin we reveal beneath them. In sharing this with you, I invite you to appreciate the artistry in both the concealment and the revelation, and to find your own joy in the moments of transition between the two.

My dear Suitors, if you want to join in the fun next time, apply to be my King or Knight below.

XX Olivia



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Impromptu Pics: The Fun of Consensual Photos and Being Seen

Dear Suitor,

In a world constantly captivated by the flash of cameras and the allure of social media, finding a moment of true self-expression can be a rare treasure. I recently had the privilege of being photographed in a setting that was both intimate and liberating, an experience that offered more than just beautiful images—it provided a canvas for personal reflection.

The venue was private, a secluded space away from the prying eyes of the public, where every click of the camera felt like a dialogue between the lens and my soul. It was here, among only a few chosen frames, that I discovered the joy of truly being seen—not just as a figure, but as a persona.

Each photograph captured a different facet of me. One image, in particular, features me draped in red silk, the fabric clinging softly to my form, a vibrant contrast against the subdued backdrop. This image is not merely a showcase of physical beauty or the result of dedicated fitness routines; it represents a celebration of self-care and the powerful statement of owning one's space.

Being photographed, especially in such a personal setting, is an act of vulnerability and courage. It’s about more than striking a pose; it’s about unraveling the layers of who you are and allowing those elements to come forth, captured in the permanence of a photograph. This act—this art—of being seen is profoundly personal. It invites introspection about how we present ourselves to the world and what we choose to express through our appearance and demeanor.

The camera, in this respect, becomes a mirror. Not the kind that merely reflects appearances, but one that can delve into the depths of our persona, capturing nuances that even we may overlook. It asks silent questions: Who are you when no one else is watching? What stories do your eyes tell when they meet the lens? The answers, often unspoken, linger in the frames.

Yet, amidst this philosophical contemplation, there’s an undeniable element of fun. The freedom to experiment with poses, to play with expressions, and to see oneself through different angles and perspectives is exhilarating. It reminds us that at every moment, we are works of art in progress, continuously evolving and learning about ourselves.

The joy of being photographed, therefore, lies in the balance between self-expression and discovery. It's about embracing both the image you present and the truths you uncover along the way. And perhaps, it is also about the subtle acceptance that while these photographs capture a moment in time, the person within them is boundless, undefined by frames or the constraints of lenses.

As I look forward to sharing these images, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences of being seen. Whether through a lens, a conversation, or a quiet moment of self-recognition, remember that each view offers a perspective, and every perspective holds a story.

In the end, these photographs are not just portraits; they are invitations—invitations to explore, to understand, and to celebrate the multifaceted journey of being uniquely, beautifully human.

xx Olivia



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Baja by Sea and Shore: A Journey of Discovery and Delight

Dear Suitors,

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the Sea of Cortez in hues of fiery orange and tranquil blue, I found myself reflecting on an adventure that was as enriching as it was breathtaking. My recent journey to Baja was more than a mere escape from the everyday; it was a deep dive into the heart of marine majesty, local culture, and serene landscapes, all framed by the educational narrative of an eco-conscious cruise.

Our voyage centered around whale watching, an experience that connected me to the colossal beauty of nature in a way I had never known before. Gliding through the waters aboard our cruise, each day brought a new treasure. From the deck, I witnessed the graceful ballet of dolphins, their sleek bodies slicing through the sea spray, offering a playful contrast to the solemn might of the whales we had come to observe. These moments, shared with fellow travelers equally captivated by the spectacle, were punctuated by bursts of excitement as we spotted yet another creature from the deep.

Each shore excursion offered a change of pace and perspective. In one unforgettable adventure, I traversed the rugged terrain of the Baja Peninsula on the back of a white donkey, an experience that felt like stepping back in time. As we meandered along dusty paths flanked by starkly beautiful scenery, I gained a profound appreciation for the simplicity and resilience of the local ways of life.

Local cuisine was another highlight, bringing flavors as vibrant as the landscapes. Dining al fresco, I savored dishes that were both fresh and filling, accompanied by a variety of crafted mocktails that were as refreshing as the ocean breeze. These meals were more than just nourishment; they were a celebration of regional ingredients and culinary traditions, shared with newfound friends against the backdrop of stunning vistas.

But this journey was as much about introspection as it was about exploration. In my private cabin, I found solace and solitude, often retreating to its comfort after a day of learning and discovery. Here, I poured over the pages of John Steinbeck's "The Sea of Cortez," his narrative resonating deeply as I was literally navigating through the pages of his explorations. His reflections on the environment, marine life, and the human spirit enriched my understanding and appreciation of the very waters we sailed upon.

Steinbeck’s words were a companion throughout my journey, adding layers of depth to every encounter with the natural world. His insights into the fragility and interconnectivity of ecosystems were particularly poignant, echoing the principles shared by our knowledgeable guides. This blend of literary enlightenment and real-world observation was a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving such wondrous environments.

As our cruise neared its end, the camaraderie among the group was palpable. Gathered on deck for our final evening, we shared stories and highlights, the shared spirit of adventure binding us. We departed with promises to keep in touch, each of us carrying a piece of Baja in our hearts.

Reflecting on my journey as I prepare for my next adventure in Los Angeles, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and anticipation. My time in Baja was a profound reminder of the joys of exploring, learning, and simply being in the moment. As I look forward to new experiences, I carry with me not just memories, but a renewed commitment to engage deeply with every place I visit, embracing both the solitude and the shared paths of travel.

To be my companion on an upcoming adventure, apply to be my King below.

Xx Olivia



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Serve It Up with the Sunrise: A Daybreak Adventure in Tennis

My dear Suitor,

Dawn, Drive, and a Dash of Tennis: Embracing Spring’s First Light Before the world stirs awake, under the cover of a sky still whispering the tales of stars, my day began. It was not just another morning; it was a canvas waiting to be painted with the hues of adventure and camaraderie.

On this particular day, the agenda was simple yet thrilling: a ladies' day out, marked by the freedom of the open road and the joy of a game of tennis at dawn. The journey started in the quiet before sunrise, a time when dreams and reality blend seamlessly. My girlfriend and I set out in her new car, the engine's gentle purr promising an escape from the city's dormant life. The road ahead was ours alone, shrouded in the gentle embrace of pre-dawn darkness, leading us toward an oasis of green courts nestled away from the urban sprawl.

Driving with the windows down, we welcomed the cool, crisp spring air, a refreshing change from the city’s stale atmosphere. The fresh scent of dew-soaked grass and the earthy aroma of awakening nature filled our lungs, invigorating our spirits. It was as if the world around us was slowly coming to life, frame by frame, with each mile we covered.As we approached our destination, the first blush of dawn began to paint the sky in soft pinks and oranges.

Arriving at the tennis court, we were greeted by an ethereal scene: an untouched clay court, bathed in the gentle light of sunrise, waiting to bear witness to our game.The court was our chosen sanctuary to welcome the new day. Here, amidst the quiet, with only the birds as our audience, we geared up for a friendly match.

It wasn't about winning or losing; it was about living in the moment, celebrating the break of day with each serve and volley.

Dressed for the occasion, I felt a surge of energy as I tied my laces and grabbed my racket. The stillness of the air, the soft light filtering through the trees, and the anticipation of the game set a perfect stage. As we rallied back and forth, the sun climbed higher, casting long shadows that danced alongside us.

The sound of our laughter and the rhythmic bounce of the tennis ball against the hardcourt filled the morning with a vibrancy that only such spontaneous adventures could bring.

Playing tennis at sunrise was more than just physical activity; it was a tribute to friendship, to the beauty of spring, and to the joy of starting a day with enthusiasm and light-heartedness. Each point we played was a testament to the simplicity of happiness found in shared experiences and the beauty of nature’s backdrop.

As the morning progressed, and the game came to an end, we sat on the bench, sipping water and basking in the warmth of the rising sun. We talked about everything and nothing, revelling in the comfort of each other’s company and the perfection of the moment.

This day-trip, marked by the thrill of a drive at dawn and the exhilaration of a tennis game under the first light of spring, was a reminder of the treasures that lie in the pursuit of simple pleasures. It was a day when time seemed to stand still, allowing us to soak in every second of joy and companionship.

As we packed up and drove back to the city, the freshness of the morning lingered on our skin, and the memories of our little adventure filled our hearts. It was a day of laughter, of play, and of connection—a precious escape that highlighted the beauty of starting a day with intention and joy.

In sharing this story, I invite you, my dear readers, to find your dawn adventure, perhaps with me by your side.

Whether it's a game of tennis, a walk in the park, or a drive to nowhere, seize the day from its very first light.

Who knows what simple joys you'll discover when you decide to embrace the day with open arms and a willing heart?

This was more than just a day out; it was a chapter in the book of delightful memories, a story I cherish and am overjoyed to share.

And who knows? Maybe next time, you'll be the one joining me in greeting the dawn with a game set in the serenity of morning’s first glow.

Are you game, my Knight or King?

xx Olivia



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Packing for Baja

Dear Suitor,

Embarking on an adventure that weaves the rustic with the refined, I find scintillating myself with excitement and getting goosebumps and wishing I could share all of these feelings with you.

See me in these photos on the cusp of a journey to Baja and The Sea of Cortez that promises not just a retreat but a deep dive into the vibrancy of life itself.

This isn't merely a trip; it's an exploration of the soul, a quest for knowledge, and a surrender to the untamed beauty of nature, all while indulging in the lap of luxury each night aboard a private yacht under the starlit sky.

The steamy shower? It is a ritual in itself, a balancing act between the raw and the refined. Wish you were in here with me;)

The process begins with the purity of water cascading in the shower, washing away the mundane, preparing me for the transformation. Each drop not only cleanses but also rejuvenates, symbolizing the fresh experiences that await.

Then comes the selection of attire. The choice of a bikini, as much as it is about embracing the sun-kissed beaches and crystal-clear waters, is also a declaration of freedom and a readiness to plunge into the unknown. The fitting of new jeans is no less significant. It’s about finding comfort and style that will traverse with me through quaint villages and rugged landscapes, as we chase the whispers of ancient tales on the wind.Packing is an art and a meditation. Each item, from the lightest dress to the most practical hiking gear, is chosen with intention. They're not just things but companions for the journey, each holding the promise of adventures to be lived and stories to be told. Among them, "The Sea of Cortez" by Steinbeck is perhaps the most precious. It’s not just a book but a portal into the heart of Baja, offering glimpses into its rich ecology and vibrant culture, guiding me as I explore this magnificent land.

My heart is pounding with the anticipation of whale and dolphin watching from the yacht, the intimacy of hiking with fellow travellers, and dutiful friendly pack animals through untouched villages, and the promise of nights spent in scholarly pursuit under the stars – each aspect of this journey is a thread in the tapestry of an extraordinary adventure.

But what excites me the most is the thought of sharing these experiences. Through my eyes, my words, and my heart, I invite you, my dear readers, into this world of wonder, next time I have a chance to share what thoughts and images I collect on my journey.

For now, be by my side in spirit; Imagine the warmth of the Baja sun on your skin, the stories etched into the landscapes we’ll traverse, and the sultry nights where laughter and soft music underpin a sky ablaze with stars. This journey is a blend of all life has to offer – the rustic and the luxurious, the physical and the intellectual, the solitary and the shared.

Each day promises hard-earned discoveries on rugged trails and the soft embrace of opulence as night falls.

It's a reminder that life, in all its facets, is beautiful.

As I pack, try on bikinis and jeans, and delve into the pages of Steinbeck, I’m not just preparing for a trip; I’m setting the stage for an experience that defines the essence of adventure. And it’s one I wish to share with you, not just through stories and photos I’ll gather, but in my current anticipatory excitement! Carpe Diem!

So, as I embark on this unique holiday that marries education with relaxation, history with luxury, and adventure with serenity, know that my heart beats not just for the journey but for the joy of bringing you along with me, in every shared sunset, every discovered path, and every whispered secret of the night

This is an open invitation to imagine, to feel, and to one day, perhaps, join me in a new adventure.

Together, let’s find our own story in some familiar or foreign land, under the constellations, amidst the laughter and the earthy fragrance of our sun kissed skin together. Or something else you have in mind?

Apply below to be my King and let’s discuss your idea of an adventure!

xx Olivia



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Morning Rendezvous

My Dear Suitors,

Morning unfolds not just as a ritual for self-preservation but as a vibrant canvas, painting the promise of what’s to come. Each yoga pose, a deliberate stretch towards the endurance and flexibility I aim to share with you. Imagine us, moving together through the day’s challenges and pleasures with the grace of a well-practiced flow.

This is my preparation for us, a foundation for the stamina and connection we will explore. The tea I sip, warm and inviting, is a rehearsal for the intimate conversations we’ll share. Each sip, a study in patience and understanding, brewing the emotional depth and warmth I intend to bring into our encounter. Consider this your invitation into a world where every word and glance brews stronger connections.

Breakfast, while simple, is a testament to the thoughtful and nurturing companionship I offer. Each bite is a commitment to maintaining not just my own vitality, but the vibrancy of the connection we’re set to embark upon.

It's a promise of the care, attention, and dedication I’m ready to serve. This morning, like every morning, is an anticipation of you—crafted to ensure I can meet not just your desires for physical endurance but the emotional depth and companionship you seek. Our impending rendezvous is the melody to which my day is tuned, each act a preparation for the harmony we’ll create.

As the day unfolds towards our meeting, know that my every action is a step closer to you, a promise of what’s to come.

Dear Suitor, are you going to remain my loyal subject and peep at my world through this blog? Or are you bold enough to to take the next step up from Pawn status and apply to enjoy the privileges of being my Knight or King?

Until our next Adventure!

xx Olivia



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A Love Letter Whispered From a Manhattan Five Star

Dear Suitor,

In the heart of Manhattan's pulsating rhythm, beneath the shadow of skyscrapers and amidst the whispers of the city's untold stories, I found a treasure - a sanctuary of luxury and serenity that seems worlds apart from the bustling streets of Tribeca. I found a gem with the soul of Paris nestled in the vibrant quilt of New York City, that I embarked on a staycation, a journey not just through the lavish corridors of indulgence but also into the realms of introspection and self-love.

Imagine, if you will, walking through the lobby of a luxurious hotel, where every step is a dialogue with elegance, and every breath is a tribute to the fine art of hospitality. Hidden behind unassuming doors, I discovered a French-inspired spa, a secret garden of relaxation and rejuvenation waiting to be unveiled. As I surrendered to the expert hands of my masseuse, I couldn’t help but wish you were there beside me, sharing in the serene whispers of this hidden oasis.

The experience was transformative, not just a massage, but a passage through time and space, evoking the tranquil luxury of Parisian spas right in the heart of New York. With each stroke and knead, the bustling sounds of the city faded into a symphony of tranquility, leaving a promise of renewal whispered on my skin.

Later, I indulged in a pre-fixe dinner at the hotel's famous restaurant, a culinary voyage that teased the palate with flavors both bold and subtle, an ode to the gastronomic brilliance that lies at the heart of French cuisine. Each course was a chapter, telling tales of faraway lands and secret recipes passed down through generations. As I dined alone, I imagined you across the table, sharing stories, laughter, and perhaps, dreaming together of Paris under the stars. The turndown service that evening was nothing short of a poetic gesture—macaroons and gourmet chocolates, handcrafted on site, whispered sweet nothings into the night. Among these, a chocolate molded into the Arc de Triomphe stood out, not just as a treat, but as a monument to the exquisite attention to detail that defines Hotel Fouquet’s. It was a reminder of the beauty in the little things, the artistry in culinary craftsmanship, and the stories that flavors can tell. As I lay in the embrace of luxury, surrounded by the echoes of a day spent in the company of myself, I found a moment of clarity.

This journey, though taken alone, was one I wished to share—not just the physical space, but the laughter, the stories, the silent exchanges that speak volumes, and the shared wonder at life’s little luxuries.

Dear suitor, this letter is not just a recount of my staycation, but an invitation. An invitation to step into a world where every moment is an opportunity for connection, for discovery, and for shared joy. If you’ve ever dreamt of being part of such experiences, of being more than just a passerby in the tales of luxury and enchantment, then I extend my hand to you. Imagine yourself not just as a witness to these stories, but as an integral character in them.

To be the one who shares in these exquisite moments and perhaps, creates new ones together, click below to apply to be my King.

Who knows? Perhaps one day, we shall find ourselves together, not just in spirit but in reality, at a place like Hotel Fouquet’s, weaving our own tales of love, luxury, and companionship. Until then, I hold onto the hope of shared adventures, of moments that are yet to be created, and of the magic that awaits when two souls finally meet.

Yours in anticipation,

xx Olivia



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My Oaxacan Retreat in Serenity:

Dear Suitors,

In the heart of Oaxaca, Mexico, away from the rhythmic bustle of everyday life, I found a sanctuary that whispered tales of tranquility and beauty.  I invite you, my cherished suitor, to walk with me through this intimate journey,  to a casita designed by the renowned architect Alberto Kalach, nestled within walking distance of a quaint beach village that seemed untouched by the hands of time.

Rejuvinating Sensual Mornings

This wasn't just a trip; it was a sort of pilgrimage to a place where time meanders, and the soul can breathe freely. The kind of time-away that really refreshes. As the sun greeted the horizon each morning, I greeted it back from a sun deck perched twenty feet high—my very own altar where body and spirit melded through the sacred dance of yoga. There, amidst the first light, the world felt entirely mine, a rare treasure in today's ceaseless rush. These moments of solitude, accompanied only by the symphony of breaking waves and the soft caress of the dawn breeze, were nothing short of magical.

Freedom of Privacy and Bathing

The casita itself was a marvel of architecture, each line and curve a testament to Kalach's vision of harmony between structure and nature. You'' have to see it for yourself one day:) It was here, in this meticulously crafted space, that I experienced moments of pure bliss, whether lounging lazily in a hammock cradled by the gentle Oaxacan wind or embracing the liberating freedom of bathing under the sun in the casita's private saltwater pool—sometimes clothed in nothing but light and shadow, other times adorned in a swimsuit that seemed almost superfluous given the seclusion and serenity.

Adventures on Horseback

Horseback riding along the expansive, nearly deserted beaches was a highlight of the retreat. With miles of shoreline all to myself, every ride was a new adventure, a chance to bond with these majestic creatures while the ocean's chorus provided a captivating soundtrack. These excursions were not just about exploring the physical landscape but also about traversing the vast, uncharted territories of my own inner landscape, and connection to my body, my vessel, my vehicle of adventure and pleasure. 

Culinary Delights

To complement these experiences of exploration and introspection, I had the privilege of savoring culinary creations crafted by in-house chefs every night. Each meal was a celebration, an ode to the rich tapestry of flavors that define Oaxacan cuisine. Dining under the stars, I was reminded of the simple, profound joys that come from nourishing the body as well as the soul.

The art of Deliberately Taking Time to Rejuvenate

This retreat was a journey back to the essence, a reminder of the beauty in stillness and the art of living deliberately. It was a reaffirmation of the need to occasionally step away from the world to find ourselves. And as I share these moments with you, my dearest members, I do so with the hope that you feel the warmth of the Oaxacan sun, the serenity of its shores, and the intimacy of being part of this exclusive experience.

Through the lens of my personal assistant, who captured the essence of these moments—from the reflective solitude in the pool to the sheer joy of horseback riding and the peaceful repose in the hammock—I bring these experiences to you. These photographs are more than mere images; they are invitations to step into a world shaped by beauty, tranquility, and the indelible touch of nature.

Intimately Shared with You

As you gaze upon these snapshots, remember that they are not just glimpses into my journey; they are bridges to our shared journey. In this space, you are not just observers; you are participants, co-creators of an unfolding story where each moment is a treasure, each experience a shared secret.

In the spirit of this intimate sharing, I invite you to carry the essence of this Oaxacan retreat into your own lives. Let it remind you of the beauty of pausing, the richness of solitude, and the profound connections that arise from sharing our most cherished moments.

My dear Suitors, Are YOU going to remain my loyal subject and peep at my world through this blog, or are you bold enough to take the next step up from Pawn status and Apply to enjoy the privileges of being my Knight or King?

Until our next adventure!

xx Olivia



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An Evening Unveiled: From Silk to Symphony

Dear Suitors,

In the soft glow of the evening, as the city's heartbeat syncs with the anticipation of nightfall, there lies a transformative journey -  transition from the intimate quarters of my loft to the grandeur of the Philharmonic. Tonight, I invite you, my cherished members, to preview me behind closed doors as I dressed with a girlfriend who snapped photos of me in my urban sanctuary.

The Prelude

The evening begins, not with a note, but with the whisper of silk lingerie. In the sanctity of my loft, under the watchful eye of the setting sun, I choose the pieces that speak not just to the body but to the soul. This is where the metamorphosis starts, from the day's simplicity to the night's sophistication. These photos were captured in this fleeting instance, they’re more than images— they are in invitation into my world, a world that thrives behind the velvet rope of exclusivity.

Ascending with Intent

Each step I take up the stairs is a note in the symphony of the evening. In my lingerie, there's a story—a prelude to the night's melody. These moments, frozen in time, are for you, my exclusive audience, a testament to the trust and connection we share. In this candid frame, where vulnerability meets strength, I am reminded of the beauty in preparation. The final ritual of dressing is my personal overture, setting the tone for what promises to be an unforgettable night at the Philharmonic.

My dear Suitors, Are YOU going to remain my loyal subject and peep at my world through this blog, or are you bold enough to take the next step up from Pawn status and Apply to enjoy the privileges of being my Knight or King?

xx Olivia



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The Suite Life

After late nights out building tension at a jazz club, let's release it behind closed doors. Let's enjoy a deep-soaking tub together, turndown service with anything we need within arm's reach, and someone else to make the bed after we've had our fun. Welcome to The Suite Life!



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Sudsy Sunday

Nothing is more rejuvenating than a spa Sunday for two complete with views of the harbor, a hot bubbly tub, and a couples massage to follow ... you can say I'm easy like a Sunday morning 



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Who's The Boss

A return to the office means I have new ways to give you that oomph so you can (unsurprisingly) exceed your Q1 goals. Between all that quota-crushing, sometimes you may need a little surrender and I'll be there––work pants (or none!) and all 



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Secret Beach

On continents far from a soul we know and on a secluded beach reserved just for us can only mean one thing, and it's best I show instead of just tell ...



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Behind Closed Doors

They say when one door closes another door opens, but have they been behind a door with me yet? These are my favorite little snaps I took with my phone between the most intimate times behind the favorite door of our choosing. For-your-eyes-only. Burn after reading! 



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Dessert First


Seeing your eyes widen and mouth gape as my writhing body slithers in hypnotic curves. Commanding your attention, my moves do what my words don't need to, 'come hither' they say. Like Adam with Eve, I doubt this sin will have you losing any sleep at night. Come, take the bite.



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Roads Less Traveled


Did you know adventure is my middle name? The satisfaction of my passport book being stamped and the dopamine rush of landing in a new country. I pour myself into a cab and head toward the AirBnb. I enter the architecturally-designed home complete with ephemera from all over the world: contemporary art from London, native ceramics from Senegal, and fresh exotic fruit greeting me in a wicker basket with a welcome card from the hosts. One of my favorite ways to beat jet lag is to wash off in an ice cold shower, and baptize myself in the house pool, commemorating my official arrival. I notice the privacy I have around me in the backyard of the pool, surveying the neighborhood on top of the hill, in the tucked away area I've to reside in for the week. I ease into my surroundings and claim the house as mine, disrobing my black bikini, one piece at a time, subtly and gently, because I have zero itinerary other than candlelit dinner at a buzzy restaurant in town and live local music after. I dip my toe into the water of the pool near the deep end before taking a leap, and the water whirling my long brunette hair. Looking up at the clock in the kitchen, I realize your taxi is to arrive any minute, as well. I pull myself out of the pool, and feel the sun beginning to set as its waning rays cradle the small of my back beneath my wet hair. I saunter toward the wall to find a pristine white terry cloth towel and pat myself dry. I then hear a knock on the front door. Guess if I kept the towel on ...



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Scintillating Sunrises

Waking up to the sweet nectar of a weekday morning, in white crisp sheets with a high thread-count. It's warmth emanated from my body heat the night prior reminds me of the sound sleep I got the night before, watching the sunset over Manhattan on a crisp early Autumn day. I move my smooth, soft legs between the comforter and the bed, as I feel the weight of the fabric graze my thighs. Should I have breakfast come to me, or should I throw a scarf on and head out? I decide on an exotic fruit plate and herbal tea, sent to room 2203. The highest floor of the hotel for the highest-known pleasures to come and the romance and of tranquility before the rest of the world turns on ... are you?



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Unchartered Waters

Making lines in the sand as I run my hands in its soft warmth, heated by the afternoon sun. The edge of the equator makes for some sizzling hot beaches and an even hotter Olivia. Making sure to stay hydrated, I bring the ice cold coconut water I brought with me from the bungalow, opening my mouth agape for it's subtly sweet hydration to enter to mouth. My shoulders relax as I allow the water to cool me off, and then finish the sip with a wipe of my brow, noticing beads of satin sweat start from my head, and move down my obliques. I can imagine this be the time I dip into the salty waters of the Mexican ocean, so I stand up and saunter my way to the tide. Water has always been my favorite element, it's ability to cool, warm, cleanse, and wash away the day. I feel the water's salinity and I allow my body to float amongst the top of the water, take in a deep breath and feel my heart beat a little more slowly as I relax into the wonders of what's to come of my day. Are you on my itinerary?



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